When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, [Matthew 9:36]
I get disturbed when I watch the news these days. Whether you look at the protesting crowds or the ones they are protesting against, you see so much that is not of God.
But recently, I did a study about kindness and goodness. It has caused me to look with a different lens upon the crowds. Jesus looked at the crowds and had compassion on them. He saw that they were lost and wandering and had no true leadership.
But He had more than just compassion and kindness; He also delivered goodness to them. He did whatever was in His power to help them. In this instance, we read further and see him instruct his disciples to pray to the Lord that He bring workers into the fields to bring in the harvest. In others instances, he healed the people. Another time, he fed them. And another time He taught them.
So I am wondering when we see the crowds, do we feel compassion or disgust? Do we reach out and give them a hug, or try to teach them or offer a cup of cold water, whatever it is we have in our hands to give?
My challenge to myself today. Begin looking at the crowds through God’s eyes. Ask God to show us the need and begin to work by showing the love of God.
I’ve put together a page of scriptures to help us divert our eyes to look at the crowds as God does. Maybe it will cause our hearts to become more compassionate. CLICK HERE for a free printable.
Seeing others with a different light,
I’m maybe linking up with these other groups today.
LINK-UPS in which I participate

Ecclesiastes 4:9 & 10 says Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
That is why my we, Mandy and Michele, have decided to join together to hold each other up and at the same time, we hope that you are lifted up as well. We will share about chronic pain issues and raising children with ADHD, Things we’ve learned about leaving a legacy, and then some fun and laughter along the way as well.
We will be sharing about how God helps us through the worst of trials and the best of days. We hope that you will sign up for our newsletter.
As we read scripture the other day I mentioned the fact that even though the crowds followed Jesus and He was tired, He still had compassion on them. May I see people as Jesus does! Blessings to you, Mandy!
Oh Gayl, Yes! Jesus always had time for anyone. May we learn to be more like Him. Happy 4th!