God’s Preposterous Promise – Devo Series
- On Our Way Back to God
- The Promise of Restoration
- God’s Promise to Comfort
- Prepare the Way of the Lord
- God Sings Over Us
- The Hope of God With us
- Trusting God’s Plans and Ways
- Get Ready for the Lord’s Coming
God’s Promises to Comfort Us
Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-3
Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Click here for entire passage.
Our Fear of Punishment
My young son’s lips began to quiver as his daddy caught him in an act of defiance. He knew there would be punishment to pay. “Wait until we get home”, his father whispered in a low voice. The sternness in his voice made our son keenly aware that this was serious. But then there was the waiting. Just thinking about the trouble that he would be facing made it worse.
Finally, we made it home. He was so repentant, hoping for a reprieve, but punishment had to be given. Our hearts ached and we all cried. Handing out punishment was not enjoyable, but we knew that letting him off the hook was not the best way to teach him a lesson. We were learning there was truth in “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you”. Afterward, we took him in our arms assuring him that we loved him and that he was forgiven.
The Hope of Comfort
As a musician, when I read Isaiah 40, my mind goes to the lyrics from Handel’s Messiah. “Comfort ye, Comfort ye, comfort ye my people.” That smooth tenor voice pleading with God’s people to be comforted. He was there; He had a plan; their sins were forgiven.
Think about how sad God must be because of our sin. Oh, how He wants to reach out and hold us in His arms and say, “It’s okay. I have paid the debt. Don’t be troubled. You are set free from your sin.”
And here again, is that preposterous promise. After Jesus came and paid the price for our sin, he left us a Comforter to be with us. When we repent, we are forgiven. And now we have the Holy Spirit within us to be our daily comforter, our advocate, our counselor. And we can sing as Handel did, “Hallelujah!”
Points to Ponder
- What was God’s promise from the beginning, after the fall of man, to now? (Gen. 3:15, 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Isaiah 11:1-3, Isaiah 53, Romans 16:20, Revelations 22:3-4 )
- After Jesus came to earth, He told the disciples that He would have to leave so that the Comforter could come. Why was it better for the Comforter (the Holy Spirit) to come than for Jesus to be here on earth with us? (John 14:16-18)
- If we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit now lives within us. How and why does the Holy Spirit comfort us? (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Romans 8:18, 26-27, Ephesians 3:16)
Dear Holy Spirit,
You are God in us, and I praise you because you are holy. Thank You for dwelling in our hearts. Thank You for comforting us in our time of trouble. Teach us how to comfort others that they may also know You. Open our eyes to Your Truth. Help us to see more clearly and follow You more closely.
We ask for Your comfort and peace today. You know our pain and our sorrows. Thank You for interceding to the Father for us. Help us rest in Your peace today. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Amen.
Published with permission. Originally written by Mandy Farmer and published at the Discipleship Place ~ Women’s Ministries at The Church of the Nazarene in November 2019

Pastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
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