Samples? Did she just say samples?
Yes, I heard that right, because the rest of the girls in the class were looking around to see if that word “sample” was registering with anyone else. We were all going to have to eat dog food. Oh my! Professor Kaye nodded to the class. It was if she was reassuring us that yes- yes there would be samples to give to you poor and hungry college students. My brain was stuck in a loop of asking and re-asking “Are we really going to eat dog food?” “Are we really going to eat dog food?” “Are we really going to eat dog food?”I’ve got a bone to pick with you
What you talkin’ about Willis?
I could tell the lecture was winding down because the speaker began to reach into bags on the table and slowly set out cans of dog and cat food as well asEvery which way but loose
It is a well-known fact that women use bathrooms in groups. So I decided that we would apply this to today’s adventure. That way if I need assistance getting to the bathroom I was well prepared. Like the benediction at church, somberly my table rose, said our personal prayers and headed for the table. Single file each of us grabbed a plate and a napkin. I smiled at the speaker and quickly scanned the table looking for something, ANYTHING that looked remotely edible. There. Dog biscuits. What luck! I quickly grabbed one and set it on my plate. Hmm. Now, what else should I choose? Then it hit my nose, the smell of Sunday dinner. Where was that coming from? I carefully sniffed around the table and found a can of Canine c/d. Ok, well… here we go, and I took a small scoop. Finished! I had my two items.Dog-gone good
We all sat down and stared blankly at our plates. Who was going to go first? With a shrug, the gal next to me picked up an item and took a bite. We all held our breath. “Well?” said someone. “It’s not bad.” was the reply. That was all the courage I needed. I grab my dog biscuit and took a bite. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Hmm. Well… it has a beefy flavor. A little grainy. I can taste milk, maybe? Okay, now for a scoop of canned dog food. Smells good,open wide Michele. Eww, it’s cold. A silent moment of deciding if this is going to go down or will it be going out? Just then my tongue found a piece of rice and I could detect a chicken flavor. Not so bad. A little more chewing and a swallow. It was done. My tongue was dry and so was my mouth. With no complimentary bowls of water to lap at the table, I was now wishing I could have a strawberry margarita. That would be refreshing.Making the grade
Closing the lecture event we handed in our questions to Professor Kaye and were dismissed. I made my way through the college campus and exited to the parking lot. I chuckled to myself. Maybe I will turn into a Golden Retriever. Then I could hand my head out the window and bark at bad drivers on highway 151. When I get back to my apartment I sure hope my roommate will give me a good scratch and some extra kibble. I was a good girl today. I ate dog food.Michele Bruxvoort is sure to draw you in with her delightful sense of humor and love for living life. She enjoys reading, repurposing, as well as remodeling the family home with her husband. Drawing from her life experience as wife, mom, and follower of Jesus, Michele brings you a very honest and real perspective on life. When you don’t find her writing, you can find her mowing lawns, stocking shelves, taking care of her grandbaby and tackling her latest life adventure.
Wisconsin native and empty-nester, she now makes her home with her husband of 27 years in the South West Prairie plains of Minnesota.