Relieving Pain Through Diet – Finding Strength to Change 

your diet

Finding Strength to Change – Part 2 of 4 Relieving Pain Through Diet

by Dayna Ault 

Dear Warriors – 

Finding the strength to change for relieving pain takes courage. As I shared in my last post, my family and I have suffered from many health issues. And have found much relief through dietary changes. I often hear people say they could never change their diets because they love to eat too much, or it would be too hard. But, when my pain is debilitating, I will do anything, to find relief. 

My first big purge of the cabinets and diet change was to eliminate a yeast infection that had invaded my whole body, including my colon. I switched my family to an all-natural diet to eliminate all the foods that “feed” the yeast. Thankfully, I found a naturopathic doctor and a medical doctor who would work together on my treatment. I used diets, herbs, and medicine to eradicate the infection. It took all three, and I have had to “rinse and repeat” many times over the years. 

More on My War Stories with Diet

Consequently, I often suggest that anyone who has taken steroids, antibiotics, hormones, immune-compromising drugs, and/or has diabetes, should treat for yeast. Candida can exist in your gut, mouth, and private areas, even your fingernails, causing rashes, itching, soreness, diarrhea, constipation, anxiety, depression, brain fog, joint pain, and more. When I was suffering from yeast overgrowth, I had to rely on information from pamphlets and library books. That information is now available on the internet. Herbal treatments and diets are easy to find.

Relieving Pain Through Diet – Finding Strength to Change It is a hard discipline, you will feel SO much better.  #chronicillness #chronicpain #fibromyalgia Share on X

Your Diet is a Discipline

relieving pain and the power to change
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I use the word discipline because anytime we undertake something that is hard, we must use self-discipline. Many of us totally miss the fact that self-discipline (self-control) is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). If we are a child of God, we have at our disposal attributes through the work of the Holy Spirit. 

God tells us we have the power to do hard things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). I believe God is our Jehovah-Rapha; the Lord God our Healer, but sometimes He is more concerned about growing us spiritually than physically. 

Work Out Your Salvation

Recently, our pastor preached on Philippians 2:12 which tells us to “work out our salvation.” Just as a miner has to dig into the earth to find the treasure, we are to “work out” the treasure God has placed in us through the work of his Holy Spirit. It is a hand-in-hand process by which God has given the power, and we have to mine it out and use it. 

Through years of diet discipline, I have learned to lean on God. I have had to “shoo” Satan away and resist temptation because I have the power of self-control through the Holy Spirit. I practice dying to the “old self and its desires” to be renewed in the Spirit (Ephesians 4:22-24). We have experienced many miracles of healing in our family, but God has often allowed our suffering to drive us to Himself. And there we find and use the treasures we did not know we possessed. 

He wants you to know, “Do not be weary in well doing, because in due time, you WILL reap if you do not give up.”

Galatians 6:9
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Through Christ, you have the discipline to become a healthier, less painful YOU. 

Relieving our pain together,

Dayna Ault

Part 1: Relieving Pain Through Diet – Finding Strength to Change

Part 3: Coming Soon

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Thank You, Dayna

As I read this article, I wanted to say, “Amen and Amen.” Yes! We can do this, relieving pain, through the power of the Holy Spirit in us. Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? If not, you can know him today. How to Know Christ.


Check Out Dayna’s New Children’s Book

About Dayna Ault

Dayna Ault has eight children who were inspirations for her first two children’s books, the latest, Who Made This Mess?, released in October 2022.  She worked as a freelancer and journalist and published The Missouri Autism Report Magazine (2010-2017) while homeschooling her children.   Dayna has served as an alderman in her small Missouri town, serves as a deaconess in her church, and enjoys teaching Sunday School. She is a member of several organizations including the Springfield Writer’s Guild, (SWG) the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), BookCamp (Chad Allen), and Children’s Book Insiders (CBI). She organizes and runs Kidlit Connect, an online critique group for children’s writers.  Dayna has one son at home, now in college, one very understanding husband, 16 grandchildren, an American Eskimo, and a fluffy, puffy gray cat.   You can find her latest book on Amazon at:  Email her at to learn more about Kidlit Connect Critique Group. 

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