“Rare Recipes and Budget Savers” compiled by Mr. Frank Good takes you back in time. I really enjoy reading this cookbook, as well as sharing recipes with people. Not only are they interesting, but they are historical and sometimes amusing. Life back one hundred years ago wasn’t “easy peasy lemon squeezy”- you lived to work and worked to live.
Once again, I give full credit to the First Edition, 1961 publication of “Rare Recipes and Budget Savers” compiled by Mr. Frank Good with the Wichita Eagle and Beacon of Witchita, Kansas. Please enjoy this historic trip back in time!
–Note: these are per the vernacular of the day!
Oldies but goodies
” An Old Indian Remedy For Lockjaw”
Take a plug of strong smoking tobacco, soak in hot water. Split it and bind on the pit of the patient’s stomach (he is lying on his back). This will make him sick at the stomach and the jaws will open. IF need be, repeat the process the next day, soaking the same tobacco and apply as before. ( from Miss Verna Lamkin, Caldwell, Kan.)
“Homemade Salve”
“Melt together 1/2 pound lard, 1/4 pound rosin, 1/4 pound beeswax and one ounce camphor. After it is taken from the stove, add a little turpentine when almost cold.” (From Miss Vera Lamkin, Caldwell, Kan.)
Pharmacy of old 
“Home Remedies”
“Here are a few home remedies that were used from about 100 years ago (1961 this was printed), on down, and my grandparents and Dad and Mother game them to me when I was a boy back in horse and buggy days, ” writes William C. Anderson, 2456 Arkansas, Wichita. “Now if those modern doctors don’t tar and feather me and run me out of town, you can print this.” – Let’s take a chance, shall we?
Onion Cough Syrup- 1 large onion cut up fine. Put in pan with a little water, about 3 tablespoons of sugar and let simmer for about 30 minutes until it is medium syrup. Take as needed.
Whiskey Cough Syrup- 1 tablespoon of whiskey, 1 teaspoon sugar. Stir sugar in whiskey until dissolved and swallow.
Chest Colds-Mustard Plaster- 2 tablespoons of lard (hog lard), 1 tablespoon ground mustard. Mix well. Put on wool red flannel. Put on chest and keep covered up.
Spring Tonic- 4 or 5 large pieces of sassafras bark in pan of water. Boil until a good dark color. Take 1/2 teacup every morning.
Another Spring Tonic was: a bushel basket full of dandelion leaves, curly dock leaves, lambs quarter leaves, wild mustard leaves. Boil until tender with a piece of salt pork.
Good For Worms in Children- 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 2 or 3 drops of turpentine or coal oil.
For Upset Stomach- 1 Tablespoon Watkins horse linament in a glass of hot water, 1 teaspoon sugar.
For Boils and Carbuncles- Make a past of soap and sugar. Put on a boil or carbuncle and bandage.
For Burns- Pour raw linseed oil on burn and bandage or any kind of oil and bandage.
Maybe we need to resurrect these recipes?
I am going to try a few these recipes long-forgotten and will let you know how they turned it… now to find my study participants.
How about you? Do you have any remedy recipes, recipes long-forgotten- passed down from generation to generation? If you do, I would sure love to hear from you! You can contact me at michele@mandyandmichle.com.

Michele Bruxvoort is sure to draw you in with her delightful sense of humor and love for living life. She enjoys reading, repurposing, as well as remodeling the family home with her husband. Drawing from her life experience as wife, mom, and follower of Jesus, Michele brings you a very honest and real perspective on life. When you don’t find her writing, you can find her mowing lawns, stocking shelves, taking care of her grandbaby and tackling her latest life adventure.
Wisconsin native and empty-nester, she now makes her home with her husband of 27 years in the South West Prairie plains of Minnesota.
Oh too funny! Please don’t make me eat horse linament! 🙂 I have a collection of old cookbooks from my Grandmothers too, and they make for wonderful reading. Thanks for sharing these fun thoughts today.
Bettie! Yes, the horse linament was hilarious. But, I bet it was peppermint… wouldn’t drink any horse linament today, for sure!
Thanks for dropping by!
Oh my… I just had to laugh that the remedy for lockjaw is making a person throw up! I think I’d like to try something else.
Joanne! Agreed! I think you’d have some serious jaw dislocation or something ruptured! Thanks for dropping by!
This is really interesting. Thank you for sharing. I wonder what my kids would have thoughr about the onion syrup for coughs. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Jolene, I like how resourceful they were “back in the day”. You had to use what was available. I am going to try to make the onion cough syrup soon! So stay tuned! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and reading!
Love this post! Horse liniment? hahaha Thanks for linking up with us at the #GatheringofFriendsLinkParty 4
Sylvia, Thanks for the link-up! Ya, the horse liniment was interesting… bet it was peppermint!