I love mornings!
As far as I am concerned, it really is the best part of the day. I look forward to 5 am whatever the weather or season, but May through September I fall in love with mornings all over again.
Being “up with the birds” is not something everyone can appreciate. I naturally begin to wake up around 4:30 am or 5:00 am. There are times when I do sleep past that, but by 6 am I am wide awake.
Early bird gets the worm
You may be wondering what draws me to the pre-dawn. I would have to be honest and say it’s the quiet beauty of the light beginning to break the sky along with the birds singing their morning songs.
Colors in the mornings are breathtaking and as the moments pass by, the colors are constantly changing. Soft pastels, sometimes deep oranges with a light black lining the clouds. Some of my most cherished photo’s are taken during this time.
Colors in the mornings are breathtaking and as the moments pass by, the colors are constantly changing. #mornings #dawn #coffee #devotions Share on XBesides being breathtaking, the moments before the sun breaks on the horizon- those moments are truly humbling. So humbling I usually have some tears rolling down my cheek. Other times I just can’t speak or think. I just watch it all unfold. It’s my very own private art show. God’s best work on display, only for a few stolen moments before the sun peaks over the horizon. Once the sun peaks out, the colors begin to fade away and the sun once again takes dominion over the sky.
When I rise, give me Jesus
Outside of this visual beauty, comes the cleansing of my soul and mind. It is hard to put into words, but the best word I can use is “renewed”. Yesterday and its joys and challenges are passed. A slate wiped clean. A chance to be a better person- thinking, being, and doing. I like how centered I feel watching the colors change, hearing the birds sing. Being still in His presence.
In this busy techno-advanced world of ours, we have forgotten the joy of simplicity. To appreciate the fragility of life and living. How temporary this all is in light of eternity. Fleeting moments never to return. And this is where I feel humbled.
The sun coming up in the east warms my face and God’s word stirs my heart and mind. At this time I like to read my bible and review a great devotion. Sometimes our interactions are fun and humor-filled. Other times they are a tear-filled time of repentance for disobedience or sorrow over a trial I am going through.
It is well with my soul in the mornings
Having spent a beautiful time watching the morning art show, followed by reading my bible, it is always good to finish with pray. Prayer is the best thing for me, but I confess it is my least favorite.
I feel that way because I hold myself to a standard of how prayer should be done. Thinking about this now makes it seem really silly. Silly that I get caught up in the length, approach, details. God isn’t sitting up there with a score sheet critiquing your delivery. Just pray!
Once I settle those thoughts down, I focus on being thankful, asking for forgiveness for yesterdays mistakes, prayer for others and then for myself. Nothing fancy, just simply talking to God- that’s how it is supposed to be.
A little bit of coffee
In between those pre-dawn moments, a little coffee hits the spot. There is nothing like a freshly brewed cup of coffee to hold and sip. Finishes off my quiet time.
It is my hope to spread this morning joy to all who read this. Inspire you to partake of this refreshing of soul and mind! Set your alarm, set the coffee pot to brew and wake up to some amazing sunrises and soul changing interactions with the creator of the universe. You’ll be glad you did.

Michele Bruxvoort is sure to draw you in with her delightful sense of humor and love for living life. She enjoys reading, repurposing, as well as remodeling the family home with her husband. Drawing from her life experience as wife, mom, and follower of Jesus, Michele brings you a very honest and real perspective on life. When you don’t find her writing, you can find her mowing lawns, stocking shelves, taking care of her grandbaby and tackling her latest life adventure.
Wisconsin native and empty-nester, she now makes her home with her husband of 27 years in the South West Prairie plains of Minnesota.
Mornings are hard for me, so I usually can only see the sunrise when it’s a little later in the winter. But after a rough night, this morning’s sunrise was such a gift from the Lord. Thank you for your words that I read yesterday, and then was reminded of today as the Lord awakened me with the dawn. He has such sweet gifts for us, even in the hard places.
Bettie, So glad you got to see the sunrise and enjoyed it even after a rough night. They are fun little gifts for heart and mind.
Sleep well tonight and thanks for stopping by.
Your own private art show! I love that! Your morning routine sounds similar to mine –however I do not ‘enjoy’ mornings –at least not at first! I am wide awake around 6am… my Honey having already been up an hour and so while I only sometimes get to watch the sky go from inky blue to pink and orange to light blue – he rarely misses the show! Great post!
I am more of a sunset girl than an early riser, but your description is making me want to set my alarm early and have a sunrise chatwith the Creator. Thank you for sharing these words of encouragement.
Jolene, I sure hope you give early mornings a shot. You won’t be disappointed by the beautiful sky and the great quiet time! Thanks for reading!
Karrileea, It is quite an art show. I have a ton of pictures I need to get into a book! My favorite time is to get out there by 4 or 4:30 am. Not a popular time for most folks, but worth the effort!
Thanks for dropping by.