You had a great life planned out. But here you are changing diapers, running a vacuum cleaner and planning daily meals. Or maybe typing business notes for your boss or scrubbing floors at a restaurant. How did you end up here? And how are you going to make any difference in the world doing this? You only have one life.
You had a great life planned out, but here you are doing menial tasks. #leavingalegacy Share on XChallenge Accepted
A retreat speaker once said she had chosen “GG” to be her grandmother name. It stands for “Godly Grandmother”. My mind drew a picture of a saintly old woman in her rocker with her Bible on her lap. Yes! I want my children and grandchildren to have a godly grandmother. One whose voice and advice echos in their mind long after I am gone.
I have always looked up to my grandmothers and I want to follow in their footsteps. I decided then and there that “GG” was my desired grandma name also.
What Makes a Godly Godmother?
I returned home from the retreat and God began to talk with me about what does that mean? Are you suddenly a godly grandmother just because you have 3 or 4 grandbabies? A grandmother is loved and treasured. She makes cookies and treats for her grandkids but how do you get that “godly” word to form in front of “grandma”? God began to show me that to be that Godly Grandmother, it had to start now. Now before my children are even raised and having children of their own.
Actually, it doesn’t really have anything to do with being a grandmother. It has to do with living a holy life before God and man. Studying His Word. Spending time in prayer, listening to Him, obeying His commandments and instructions to you, worshiping Him on a regular basis. Living life before your children and grandchildren that exemplifies God. This is the definition of a godly grandparent.
It has to do with living a holy life before God and man. #LeavingaLegacy Share on XOnly One Life
There’s a familiar poem by C.T. Studd. You may only remember these two lines. But really, they say it all.
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last. – C.T. Studd
I recently picked up a book by Jackie Green and Lauren Green McAfee. You may know them from the largely publicized fight for rights ~ Hobby Lobby vs. Obamacare. Jackie and her husband is the founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby. Or more recently they have been largely involved with the creating and opening of the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C.
Only One Life: How a Woman’s Every Day Shapes an Eternal Legacy
Mother and daughter teamed up to write this precious book about legacy. They share about the matriarchs in their own family and how they themselves have been challenged to continue the legacy to new generations of the Green family.
There lives alone would encourage us to live godly legacies but they don’t stop there. They submit that there are many ways to create a legacy in our lives by showing us a dozen different roads to legacy. This alone creates an excitement that, “yes, indeed”, no matter where you are in life, you can create a lasting legacy. Legacy comes from the courage we live out through our struggles. It comes from lives of generosity, wisdom, compassion, and of course, the faith and prayer that we might first think of.
"yes, indeed", no matter where you are in life, you can create a lasting legacy. #bookreview #legacybuilding Share on XJackie and Lauren create this excitement by sharing stories of women. Stories of Biblical women, known and little known, that made a difference all the way to the cross.
Legacy Builders of All Times
There are also so many women of history that encourage us that we can make a difference for the next generation. They share about Susie Spurgeon, Elizabeth Elliot, and Corrie Ten Boom, and many more down through history.
And then there are those leaving legacies right now in front of our very eyes, such as Joni Eareckson Tada, Mary Beth Chapman, and Christine Caine to name a few. And the list keeps going and going.
Even if you have no legacy to fall back on. You can lean on these and others to encourage you to build your own legacy for others. Even if you have no children to whom a legacy can be left, others can see your life and be encouraged.
I recommend this book, Only One Life: How a Woman’s Every Day Shapes an Eternal Legacy It would be an excellent place to begin to find leaders that leave you an example for building a beautiful legacy for the next generation.
Concluding With the Authors
Only One Life: How a Woman’s Every Day Shapes an Eternal Legacy
“We believe that God will multiply our days and shape an eternal legacy.
So, women of God, together let’s be a generation of legacy-building leaders—of generosity and prayer, through loyalty and witness—wherever God calls us to go. A great adventure lies ahead!
CHALLENGE: Let’s Make a List
So, who has built a legacy for you?
We want to know. Michele and I are planning several legacy link-ups this summer. We’ll begin with women who have built your legacy. Start thinking about who that is and write a tribute to her. Post it in your own blog and then come back here and link up with us. Share your post and read about other legacy builders from our readers. Michele and I are excited to learn who has built a legacy in your life and why they encourage you to continue the legacy.
Leaving a Legacy;
Subscribe before you leave to be notified when the link-up is live. We can’t wait. How about you?
I purchased this book after seeing the Greens interview on the Huckabee Show. The above review is my personal and honest review. Following you will find the Huckebee Interview.
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Pastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
Oh Mandy, your thoughts about being GG brought tears to my eyes tonight. What a precious gift we have been given to love and pray over those sweet Grandchildren. And yes, even through my own weaknesses, I pray those little ones will see the light of God shining through. Your summer series sounds great! I actually ran a series last winter about those in my family who had left a legacy for me, so precious looking back! I look forward to reading yours. Blessings!
When the link-ups are ready you should share a couple of your legacy stories. I’m not expecting everyone to write something new. I just am hoping for lots of participation. Can’t wait to read them myself!
It’s true no matter where we are in life, we can begin to create a lasting legacy. May God help each of us look to Him for wisdom and to enable us to live out our lives in ways pleasing to Him. May we always show love and compassion and gentleness. Blessings to you, Mandy!
Yes. I’m so glad that it’s not necessary to do amazing things, just simple things can create an amazing legacy. Thanks for reading