Guidelines for Theme Guest Posts


Godly Living & Leaving a Legacy

Can we really live a godly life? 2 Peter says we can!

By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

2 Peter 1:3 & 4

Let’s explore some of the characteristics or disciplines of godly women and ways that we can leave a spiritual legacy for those in our circle. Think of women that you consider godly. What separates them from the rest of us? And how can we work to acquire these same characteristics?

Here are a few topics but write on anything that is close to your heart. We talk a lot about Bible Study and Prayer, what else makes a godly woman? Here are a few ideas to get your thinking; or come up with your own.

  • The GOdly Woman & Surrender – Mandy Farmer – February
  • The Godly Woman & Gratitude ~ Stacey Shannon – March
  • The Godly Woman & the Church
  • The Godly Woman & Her Mind
  • The Godly Woman & Contentment – Glenae Atchison
  • The Godly Woman & Generosity
  • The Godly Woman & Perseverance
  • The Godly Woman & The Great Commission
  • The Godly Woman & Relationships
  • The Godly Woman & Integrity
  • The Godly Woman & Good Deeds
  • The Godly Woman & Her Speech
  • The Godly Woman and her Family
  • The Godly Woman & Self-Control (or any of the Fruits of the Spirit)
  • The Godly Woman & Humility (or other aspects noted in the Beatitudes)
  • The Godly Woman & Compassion
  • The Godly Woman & her Priorities
  • The Godly Woman & Submission
  • The Godly Woman and her Marriage – Lori Hatcher
  • The Godly Woman and her Singleness

Specific Guidelines

  1.  Word Count 800-1000 words. (flexible)
  2.  Your submission must be original; meaning it has not been published anywhere else. Possibly, you wrote about this topic but can write a similar post.
  3.  I welcome “personal images only” that you would like to use.
  4.  Submissions will be due at least two weeks before the agreed-upon publishing date.
  5. We will add you as a contributor to our WordPress blog so that you will get notified about comments. We would love for you to reply to the comments.
  6. Send your submission to in a WORD document or Google docs. Be sure to put GODLY WOMAN GUEST POST [topic} in the subject line.
  7. This is a faith-based blog. Please, no cussing or derogatory speech.


Please include in your submission a personal photo, a short bio, your own blog URL, and any social media you would like to include such as Twitter or Facebook. If you have a personal signature image, send it along too.


We also reserve the right to decline to publish any submission that does suit our purposes. Your submission gives us permission to edit for length, grammatical errors, and other things we feel necessary.

Finally, for SEO purposes, all published submissions become the property of Mandy and Michele. Guest posts MUST NOT be republished on your blog unless dramatically changed. We do encourage you to promote your post on social media and/or an introductory blog post on your own blog.

Here’s an example of an introductory post that leads to our blog. Living Our Days

Here’s an example of a scriptural devotion by a guest writer MESSENGER OF GOD – JEREMIAH, ME, YOU – guest post (

Mandy & Michele
image created by jfredrickdesign

Contact Mandy Farmer at