“The Lord is with you… in His love, he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Scripture: Zephaniah 3:14-17
God’s Preposterous Promise – Devo Series #5 of 7
- On Our Way Back to God
- The Promise of Restoration
- God’s Promise to Comfort
- Prepare the Way of the Lord
- God Sings Over Us
- The Hope of God With us
- Trusting God’s Plans and Ways
- Get Ready for the Lord’s Coming
God Sings Over us
Our daughter was born three weeks premature. Extra days in the hospital, she lay in an incubator. We could only hold her at feeding time. Once she was home, I loved to rock and sing over her. It was the Christmas season, so I began to sing a Christmas song… “Sweet Little Kaela Girl…” I created lyrics about how beautiful she was and how much we loved her. I believed the singing was just what she needed. Hearing my voice was a great comfort to her.
Think of how God loved His people, the Israelites. Because of sin, a great chasm kept God from coming and walking with them every evening. He wanted to comfort them in their sorrow. There they were in captivity because of their sin. The next best thing was to send them prophets to speak His love over them.
Zephaniah was one of those prophets. He told them that God loved them, and He had a plan. One day their sins would be completely gone. God would be with them forever. In the meantime, God would comfort them with singing.
God has sent many muses our way also. He has given us beautiful words of comfort to our souls. I have often gone to playing the piano when my heart was sad. I would open a hymnbook and begin to play the hymns. Soon I would find myself singing the words and finally be comforted through them.
Is your heart heavy today? Find an old hymnal and meditate on the lyrics. God is singing over you.
Points to Ponder
- What hymn or song do you use to lift your spirits? Find the lyrics of that song or Civilla Martin’s hymn, His Eye is on the Sparrow. Meditate on the lyrics. Think about each word as you read and sing.
- Read Matthew 6:25-34. Why should we not be discouraged or troubled?
- Find and read other scriptures where God is delighting over His children. (Numbers 6:22-27, Psalm 147:4,11, Jeremiah 9:24)
Lord, I come to You praising You for all You have done. You have _______ (list at least 3 specific blessings from your life) What a joy to know that You are singing over me. Tune my ear to listen to Your song. Thank You for loving me and caring about my every need.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
Published with permission. Originally written by Mandy Farmer and published at the Discipleship Place ~ Women’s Ministries at The Church of the Nazarene in November 2019

Pastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
Thank you for sharing those beautiful memories of your singing over your infant daughter. What a comfort to think of our Father singing like that over His people. You are in my prayers today, Dear Mandy.
That is a comfort. Music is my life and many things relate to me somehow through music. I loved singing to my children. I miss it since my chronic pain began, really since my thyroid issues started. The song is hard to find in my soul now but one day I will sing again with Christ in heaven.