God’s Preposterous Promise – Devo Series
- On Our Way Back to God
- The Promise of Restoration
- God’s Promise to Comfort
- Prepare the Way of the Lord
- God Sings Over Us
- The Hope of God With us
- Trusting God’s Plans and Ways
- Get Ready for the Lord’s Coming
Scripture: Luke 12:35-38
“It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the middle of the night or toward daybreak.” Click here to read entire passage.
I’m one who likes to keep things relatively clean all the time so that I don’t have the big job of seriously cleaning the house. Growing up, I had 5 siblings. Not all of them were tidy and I hated to clean up after them. If we were to have company, my mother would crack the whip and get us all cleaning the house to the nth degree. All the high places and the low places. Places that no one ever went… even us. It was drudgery for me.
The Holy Spirit coming into our hearts has been compared to a house. When we are saved the Holy Spirit comes in as a guest. He is in the Living Room, maybe the kitchen. But He wants to have access to every part. He wants to clean the high parts and the low parts because God cannot abide with sin. It must all go away. He wants to have access to your bedrooms and those closets where you hide away stuff that you want no one to see. He wants to go up in the attic and down in the basement to dig out things you have hidden away so far and so deep that you have completely forgotten about them.
Just like we look forward to having a guest, we look forward to Jesus coming back and we shall ever be with the Lord. We need to do more than just keep watch at the window for His coming. We must prepare by having our whole hearts cleaned and pure.
Points to Ponder
- Matthew 24 says BE READY for Christ’s Return. How can we be ready? Read (Matthew 24:45-50)
- Study Matthew 25, What does Jesus say in these parables on being ready:
- Matthew 25:1-13
- Matthew 25:31-46
- What instructions did Paul give about being ready? (1 Thessalonians 5:1-24)
Lord, You have shown us through Your Word that You will come again to reign with us. I pray that I will be ready and watching for that day. Help me to remain in Your Word and work to show others the Way until You come. Work in and through me to shine as a light to the nations so that others may know You and be ready as well.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Published with permission. Originally written by Mandy Farmer and published at the Discipleship Place ~ Women’s Ministries at The Church of the Nazarene in November 2019
P.S. Are You Ready For His Coming?
Friend, it may not be long until Christ returns for His Bride. I hope and pray that you are ready for the day. No one knows the day or time. It will happen in the twinkling of an eye. There will be no time to get ready. The time is now. If you are unsure that you are ready, click through this link for more understanding.

Pastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
What a great word-picture your house cleaning is for me. I can picture the Holy Spirit in my house wanting access to all the nooks and crannies too. My mother used to have us clean like that plus polish silver (as sterling was part of her generation so it was ours too!). I continue to prepare for the coming of the Lord. As you know, Mandy, my 2021 word is “decrease” and that is a pretty amazing word to focus upon for this year. Already, it is focusing me on some tough stuff, places I need to let go of self, tough places where the world creep and floods in. Lots of lessons.
Amen! I feel like that day of His returning is getting so much closer all the time! Even so, come Lord Jesus! Thank you for this great devotional, Mandy.
Thank you, Bettie. This series is one that I have felt very good about.
Decreasing is hard but oh so worth it! My husband and I have wished we would have done this much sooner. We are realizing now how little we really need. THanks for coming by.