Don’t you miss the days when people would visit and sit for a spell?
2014 Dawson (my) family reunion
I do. I think that is why I want a front porch so badly. I miss the days of sitting on the porch with friends and family just resting and sharing time together.
These days we never drop in on people and thus our lives remain lonely and we never learn from one another. No one is a close friend anymore. We are all just acquaintances.
Remember When?
Even our families no longer stop by for a visit. I remember going for a drive and stopping in on my mom’s aunt and uncle. I don’t know how she did it. But my Aunt Mary must have had a 6th sense that someone was coming by because it seemed about 5-10 minutes after we arrived, she presented a delicious cake. Besides the delicious cake and good conversation, we gained the chance to actually know our cousins. If we had not stopped in occasionally, I would never have known my mother’s cousins, nor my second cousins.
I remember that our family friends would take turns having everyone over after the football games. These were all high school friends of my parents. Of course, they all had kids the same age as my siblings and me. Boy, did we have a grand time together?
As an adult, many of us would head out to a restaurant after Sunday Evening Worship. We seldom to that either.
We Are Too Busy
The truth is, we have become so busy that we never slow down long enough to just visit with anyone. The Bible instructs us to practice hospitality. The Book of Hebrews suggests that we should not forsake meeting together. This scripture is usually used to encourage church attendance, but the early church met together in homes also sharing meals and encouraging one another. This is where we really get to know one another and share in each other’s lives. We can attend church, come in and go out, without truly interacting with people. But meeting in our homes and eating together, that is when we become more than acquaintances.
Here’s the Challenge
So, have you had a visitor or drop by on someone unexpectantly? When did you last invite someone into your home? We may need to make a concerted effort to fellowship together.
Meeting Around the Table
A few years ago, a new Women’s conference erupted into the scene called IF Gathering. They have developed the idea that encouragement comes from around the table. They encourage us to have a once a month meeting around the table. Invite 5 or 6 people to share a simple meal and have a real conversation.
They feel that this is so important that they provide menu ideas and questions to ask each other. It’s called IF: Table. You can Check it out here.
Table games are an excellent way to increase comradery. Try this awesome game with some friends called Life Stories. You will have a great time learning new things about one another.
You can learn more about mentoring around the table with this book written by a friend. Coming Alongside: Blessed to be a Blessing
I’m ready for a visit. Come on by! I’ll make a pound cake.
I participating in Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Fridays where we take a prompt and write for five minutes.
Come by for a visit and sit a spell. #mentoring #visit Share on XPastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
Great post! I think you are so right….it truly is a lost art girl. WI should visit each other more often. I’m in the three spot this week.
Thanks for coming by!
Great post! I miss my relatives stopping by and staying for longer than 30 minutes because they need to go. Life is busy…what happened?
I’m going to check out the IF table.
Visiting from #InspireMeMondays
My dream is to one day have a giant wraparound front porch and lots of rocking chairs ;). We used to have a campfire pit in our front yard, and every time we went outside to build a fire, the neighbor kids would come over with at least one ingredient for S’Mores (I don’t think they asked their mother–which was so very cute). I miss those days!
Yours and my dreams are the same. So much miss those days.
The seasons of our lives are ever-changing aren’t they? I miss so much when our home was filled with kids and friends…