But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house,
At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You.
Psalm 5:7 NASB 1995
My Word of the Year is Intentional. As I began looking for a verse that I might claim, I kept finding verses where messengers of God said, “But as for me…” I thought, “These people are intentional in their lives. I want that”. So we will start looking at these scriptures. I have some friends helping me out and they are already stepping on my toes.”
David was intentional about his morning prayers. It’s a goal of mine as well… to open my eyes and first call on God and look to Him. If I start my day with HIm, I can invite Him to stay and walk with me through the entire day. If I don’t I find myself dredging through the day on my own.
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;
In the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.
Psalm 5:3 NKJV
Steps for David’s Morning Prayer
- Calls to God and recognizes Him as His God and King and there is no other. God wants us to come before Him in reverence and to recognize His Holiness. It is then that we realize our sinfulness. In the shadow of His Righteousness, we see that we are but a worm and we are humbled. Noting that God will not lend an ear to those who enjoy wickedness, he humbles himself before the great God of the Universe. And in this, he makes a firm stand that he will come into God’s house in fear and reverence
- He begs for guidance comparing the wicked to the righteous he sees that he needs God to direct his path. How can we face the day if not with His guidance? We are sure to go astray without Him by our side throughout the day. And friend, He will not come along uninvited. We must ask Him to lead us through our day. I believe if we try this pattern, we will be utterly blessed. We will find so many things going well rather than having to struggle at each turn of the day.
- He states that there is joy for all those who trust in God. Stating these facts makes it all real. God doesn’t necessarily need to hear these things but when we say them aloud we confirm in our own hearts that it is so. That’s why the gratitude journal is so important. Along with this morning prayer, I like to list at least three things I am grateful for. It refocuses our hearts on the Lord instead of our problems.
- Another declaration is that God will surround the righteous with His favor as if with a shield that covers their entire body. We can declare this because He has already promised to do it! It is David’s only request. You see, everything else will fall into place if we are guided by His Hand and surrounded as a shield by Heaven’s Armies.
In Conclusion
What a pattern for morning prayer! Declaring the righteousness of God and asking to be led on that very path. How could your day go awry when you have shielded yourself in His righteousness.
And, ah, now we see how to dress one’s self in the complete armor of God (Eph 6)
Don’t forget your Morning Prayers. Use Psalm 5 as a pattern for prayer until you find your own words of prayer.
Other As For Me Posts
Messenger of God – Jeremiah, Me, You
Wellness: Becoming Intentionally Evergreen
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Refresh Your Prayers: UNcommon Devotions on Prayer
Bible Study: The Prayer of Nehemiah
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2022 Healthy Spiritual Habits: Part 3 Prayer
Intercessory Prayer is the Spiritual Warfare Frontlines

Pastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
Amen. It’s so good to look up and acknowledge God with our first thoughts in the morning. And He will meet us right there.
Bettie, Just scrolling through and realized I never responded to you here. The blog automatically accepted your comments as trusted and it doesn’t let me know you did. Anyone it really is a good prayer!