Choose Old Paths at New Crossroads

old paths

Which Path Leads to Success in 2020?

This is what the LORD says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.

Jeremiah 6:16, NLT
Ask for the old, godly way and walk in it. #ancientpaths Share on X

One Word or One Verse?

Old Paths New Crossroads
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For years now, I have followed the popular idea of choosing one word for the year. It has done me well, amazingly, for many years. But I have noticed a shift in my search for that one word. That is, to select a verse that will lead me through my year.

Last year, I chose to take small steps. I selected a verse from Zechariah 4:10 that reminded me that small steps are not to be despised. It made it easier for me to breathe in and out. I was able to slow down and remove the pressure of life.

At the Crossroads to a New Decade

So now we stand at the crossroads of a new year, a new decade. What does God have for us? I have a strong sense that this year could lead to something big. (that’s relative, of course, due to my health. But who knows?)

In all truthfulness, I have a great desire to draw closer to God; to refresh the commitments I have already made and strengthen them. I have decided to dig out my old studies on the spiritual disciplines and see where I might have veered away from the old paths.

He knows the path; Elisabeth Elliott
God sees the ONE needful thing and He alone knows the path that will take me there – Elisabeth Elliot #disciplines #ancientpaths Share on X

Areas in which to Consider Old Paths

As I mentioned, I’ll be studying and writing on the spiritual disciplines this year but also want to carry this forward into other areas of my life. A few things, I have been considering to make as goals.

  • Bible Reading Plan – Chronological reading of the Old Testament Possibly returning to the New King James Version. (Aat times I miss this because I was raised on it and most of my memory work has been done in KJV.
  • Devotional Reading – Disciplines of The Inner Life by Bob Benson will take me all year. I acquired it years ago when it went out of print, but I noticed it’s back!
  • Reading – Read biographies, classic works, or books already on my shelves. Starting with Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline 30th Anniversary and Barbara Hughes Disciplines of a Godly Woman. What They Meant for Evil by Rebecca Deng is a biography I am reviewing that will become available later this year. I also just acquired the audiobook for The Pilgrim’s Progress. These will keep me busy for a while.
  • Movies – Watch some movies based on real-life that I haven’t seen
  • Travel – I plan to visit my parents in Texas this year which I haven’t been able to do for several years. We seldom leave our own town, but if and when we travel, maybe I can get my hubby to get off the beaten path and take some of the old roads. It would be a way to slow life down.

My Old Paths Make the Difference

These are the thoughts that have been rolling around in my mind. I pray that through these things I can become closer to the God I Love. I truly desire to, as Robert Frost said, take the road less traveled.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost #ancientpaths #oneword365 Share on X

You will find be writing several places this year beyond this blog. Maybe you will search me out.

  1. My Own Instagram [@Mandy_holds_u_up]. I’ll be providing Scriptures of the day each month for all subscribers. In January the theme is #ancientpaths How about joining me and writing a mini gram of your own? Subscribe below for your January Calendar.
  2. Gracefully Truthful is a place to connect, it’s a place to be real, it’s a place to share fearsask questions, and unashamedly seek out the Father who crafted our hearts to love boldly and bravely as we discover together what it means to truly walk in the fullness of grace and truth. My first submission will appear this month in the Theme Treasure. Come study along with us.
  3. Nazarene Connections [Women’s Ministries] I have written here before but they have recently released this new app for your phone. I’ve written a 7-devo series called God’s Preposterous Promise – God With Us. I’m not certain when these will release, but I will certainly let you know.
Mandy Farmer

Keeping the Old Paths

Oh, yes, by the way, you will still get some Spice of Life and recipes from Michele. And, of course, we will both add other Bits of Fun along the way as well.

We have enjoyed reading your additions to our new Legacy Link-ups. This will continue to open ever 2nd & 4th Tuesday featuring guest writers. If you want to be featured this year, click here.

Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter on the blue stripe at the bottom of your screen to receive your free scripture of the day calendar.

About Mandy Farmer

Pastor's Wife (retired) &  Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.

View all posts by Mandy Farmer

4 Comments on “Choose Old Paths at New Crossroads”

  1. This post speaks to me, Mandy. It’s important to review what works well in our walk and revisit those habits. You’ve given me pause to consider. Thank you and congratulations on your upcoming releases.

    Peace and grace,

  2. Thank you, Tammy. Examining our hearts is always an important discipline. It’s so easy to slide back into apathy.
    I’m looking forward to writing Digging Deeper Devotions for

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