I was given this book by Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
The Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon
You have likely heard the saying, “Behind every great man is an even greater woman.” Susannah Spurgeon is just such a woman. Wife of the infamous preacher, Charles Spurgeon, she was an integral part of his life and ministry. She was behind him in prayer support but also beside him in ministry.
Even after reading only the introduction and first chapter I wished that this book had been available to me 30 years ago as I was becoming a pastor’s wife. If I had the time all in one sitting, I would have read this book to completion in a day. What a beautiful example of a Christian wife, pastor’s wife or not.
Some Things Never Change
As I read her story which is set in Victorian England. I realized that things have not changed all that much. We tend to think the evil prevails more now than it ever has but as I read I found that Charles and Susannah Spurgeon endured much of the same things 150 years ago that my husband and I have endured in this century. Satan has always fought against those who try to spread the Word of God.
And yet they persevered through sorrow and pain, sharing the Word of God to thousands, maybe millions. My heart was pricked when I saw how they persevered. Susie was an encourager to Charles throughout their marriage as he struggled through deep depressions and often separated by half the world when he traveled. I would have loved to have her encouragement for myself as I tried my best to encourage my husband. Maybe I would have found more ways to hold my husband up.
She Also Had Her Own Ministries
Additionally, Susie not only worked closely with Charles in sermon preparation and prayer support, but she also raised their twin sons and built her own ministry of providing books and sermons to poor preachers. She sent sermons and books to any preacher who asked for them right up until her death. And she did all this pushing through her own years of chronic pain. I can so relate to many of the trials in her life.
The Epilogue
[ctt template=”1″ link=”b5l6y” via=”yes” nofollow=”yes”]If Susie Spurgeon remained faithful to God, even beneath the presses of affliction, and instead of complaining served God, by God’s grace, we can also.[/ctt]
I challenge you along with myself to follow Susie’s example and leave a legacy of faith to those behind us.
- Susie Looked to Jesus
- She Trained Her Children in the Ways of the Lord
- Susie Loved and Treasured the Bible and read Many Books
- Susie Loved Pastors and Their Families
- She looked for the Beauty of God in All Things – and Found Ways to Communicate His Beauty to Others
- Susie Faced Hardships with Faith and Service
- Susie Advanced her Husband’s Legacy
This book is a must-read for all pastor’s wives but really to all Christian women everywhere. Be sure to get a copy today.
[ctt template=”9″ link=”yuk_6″ via=”yes” nofollow=”yes”]This book is a must-read for all pastor’s wives but really to all Christian women everywhere. [/ctt]
P.S. I believe that one thing that will help us Leave a Legacy for our families and friends is to read biographies of great Christian men and women. Throw away all those romance novels and self-help books. Then begin studying the Bible and the lives who have left us with great examples to follow.
I am going to add a new category this year under Leaving a Legacy. That being, “Legacy Builders”. I’d like to share about some of the amazing women who have built my legacy, personally and those whose legacy has stood the test of time for all of us. Watch for more posts about Legacy Builders in the future.
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Pastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
Hi, Mandy, I’m so excited to read this book myself. One point I’ve heard in podcasts about the book is that the author really portrays Susie as an individual rather than just an appendage of her husband. It sounds as if she had a true heart for God!
She really was so balanced between being a wife and supportive of her husband. I recognized a lot of how Michael and I worked together as a team and yet I had my own ministries as well. I also relate to her in having chronic pain. She must have been an awesome woman in her time!
I have always looked up to Susannah Wesley (John Wesley’s wife). Ironic that they both have the same name. I named my daughter after Susannah Wesley. I’ll be in touch with you about the guest post, but it will likely be later in the week.
Thank you for sharing this. I had read much about Charles Spurgeon, but had not heard much about his wife. I love the idea of reading more biographies. I hope you have a great day!
Thanks for coming by Jolene. You will love this book about Susie. Sometimes as I read, I want too highlight the whole thing. Sometimes my heart was pricked to do better. God bless.
This sounds like a fascinating book!
it definitely is. A very godly woman. The book was researched and written well
I love books. Sounds like I need to check this out!
Yes! Read this book! Thanks for coming by
I love your new idea of a category for Legacy Builders, Mandy! I look forward to reading more here. Thanks for this great review. I agree with you that biographies of those Godly ones who have gone before us can be so encouraging and faith building. Blessings to you this New Year, Dear Friend!
I do think learning about those who have gone before is how we can receive encouragement from them even though they are long gone. Thanks for stopping in, Betty
What a great book review. This is so awesome and I love how you gained insights into your own life and ministry through her example.
I was an easy review to write because the book is awesome. Thanks for coming by, Karen.
Something special about the name Susannah and all its forms. *wink*
Yes indeed. My daughter, Mikaela Suzanne, was named after her dad, Michael and Susannah Wesley (my legacy hero) I’ll be writing about her soon.
Thanks for stopping by, Susan.
Thank you for sharing this inspirational story on the #LMMLinkup.