This summer (2020) Susie Larson is offering a free online study of her latest book, Fully Alive. This was such a helpful book for me, so I decided to repost this review. She is offering the book for only $10 [CODE: FAITHRADIO] and the study is free! Sign up at the end of this post.
NOTE: I received this book at no charge in exchange for writing this review. These words are my own opinion and I have not been compensated to say them.
Dare to Hope again
Have you been losing your hope lately? What is it that is pulling you down into
Look up because there is AlWAYS Hope in Jesus.
In her new book Fully Alive, Susie Larson has hit the nail on the head. We struggle because we don’t let God take over and do the work of healing in our lives. Sara will take you deep into the soul searching to find what ails you. And she closes it all up in the Hope we have in our future in heaven. I was completely inspired and given new hope when I read the last chapter, He Rewards. I believe this book is for you.
completely inspired and given new hope #bookreview #FullyAlive Share on XSome of my favorite quotes FROM FULLY ALIVE
- “The storms reveal the lies we believe and the truths we need.”
- “Jesus invites us to flourish here, right where we live.”
- “The best news is this: Any Battle we endure in faith will pay us back in the end. We’ll be richer and wiser for it, and the enemy will have even less access to our souls.”
- “I have the living, all-powerful God alive in me, fighting for me, and keeping watch over me. And He’s as fiercely protective of you. Praise God.”
- “you always have more choices than you think.”
- “God’s promises do not apply to my own unrealistic expectations. His promises apply to my impossible situations. These are two totally different things.”
If you would like to dare to hope and dream again, Pick up Susie’s book today! Also, remember to sign up for the online study beginning July 6 on FaithRadio.
Living with new hope again!
Pastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
Mandy you did a great job getting me to want to grab this book! I love what you said about how God’s promises apply to my impossible situations but not necessarily my unrealistic expectations. It’s also a profound thought that we have more choices than we think! Thanks for sharing!
This book is full of quotes like this. I think I nearly highlighted the entire book! 🙂