Pie Plant!
What the world?! Pie plant?! Yes, that’s right, you read that right, pie plant. It’s a plant you make a pie out of. How rhubarb got to the United States …
Pie Plant! Read MoreJust Holding it Together
What the world?! Pie plant?! Yes, that’s right, you read that right, pie plant. It’s a plant you make a pie out of. How rhubarb got to the United States …
Pie Plant! Read MoreMichele continues her Swedish Death Cleaning. Are you up to it?
My Swedish Death Cleaning Experience: Part Two Read MoreThis week we continue on with more recipes from this booklet… All credit given to the Hubbard Milling Company. Formula For Jiffy Flour/Foundational mixture Ingredients Mother Hubbard Flour- 4 quarts …
Young “Mother Hubbard’s”Baking Day Recipes Continued… Read Morehe beauty of Swedish death cleaning is you get to go through your stuff and decide who you’d like to give it to, what is to throw away, what to donate and of course, you’ll have a few keeps. In my Swedish death cleaning experience I did a great deal of throw, a generous amount of donating
My Swedish Death Cleaning Experience Read MoreSwedish death cleaning? WHAT is that?! That’s what I said to myself when I stumbled upon an article and several YouTube videos about this new way to declutter. It looked …
Swedish Death Cleaning Read MoreAs promised two articles ago, I am going to give you some lovely recipes from the 1920’s Young “Mother Hubbard’s” Baking Day. Marie Cole Fisher seems to be “handing off …
Young “Mother Hubbards” Baking Day Recipes Read MoreFriends! In my haste to you have contact me at my email, I instead gave you my website. Ha! You could have snooped around and found my email from the …
Young “Mother Hubbards” Baking Day: Part Two Read MoreIf the title of my article has you wondering if I’m going to tell a story, you can rest easy, this isn’t as story. This is actually a baking book. …
Young “Mother Hubbards” Baking Day Read MoreIf you missed my last article on Amish Friendship Bread, you can check that out here. As I was researching and talking with friends who have been experimenting with their …
AMISH FRIENDSHIP BREAD: Part Two Read MoreRight at this very moment, I’m quite sure there are a few of you holding your breath. Did she just say “Amish Friendship Bread?” Some of you ran to your …