The Church is the Body of Christ
The Church is the Body of Christ We can sometimes feel that we just want Jesus to return. We need him here with us. But friends, He is here with …
The Church is the Body of Christ Read MoreJust Holding it Together
The Church is the Body of Christ We can sometimes feel that we just want Jesus to return. We need him here with us. But friends, He is here with …
The Church is the Body of Christ Read MoreWe have all heard about “old Arthur” that issue where your joints are hurting and stiff. It keeps you from exercise and even doing much walking. But did you know there are over 100 types of arthritis? Wow! And I’ve only really heard of three of them. #rheumatoidarthritis
The Difference Between Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis? Read MoreSin is deadly serious In the Old Testament, God set up several feasts and celebrations for the purpose of bringing the people back to the mind of God. In September, …
What God Did About Seriously Deadly Sin Read MoreIt has always been a marvel to me that Jesus intercedes for us. Not only did He pour Himself out on the cross for our salvation, but “He lives always to intercede for us (Hebrews 7:25.
Intercessory Prayer is the Spiritual Warfare Frontlines Read MoreThe use of trumpets for the Jewish faith indicates the Presence of God. Oh, how we need the presence of God.
Three Things we Gain in God’s Presence Read MoreWe live in a world of hostility, criticism, and outright bullying. Even if you are in a place where the current culture is not threatening to you, you may have other fears that push you down and keep you from achieving your goals.
How can we navigate around our fears? How did we transfer fear of our circumstance over to a fear of God?
Prevail – Faith Against the Opposition Read MoreOne pet peeve of mine is seeing a bulletin board with old information on it. It’s so simple to at least just take down the old information. I’ve entered church …
A Year’s Worth of Church Bulletin Boards Read MoreCreating Space – Before we speak or give our “wise suggestions” to another, perhaps we ought to get to know them a little. Make sure that we understand a bit about their culture and the things they deal with on a daily basis
How to Create Space With Those Who are Different Read MoreTurn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Turn your eyes upon JesusLook full in His wonderful faceAnd the things of earth will grow strangely dimIn the light of His glory and grace …
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Read MoreMankind has grappled with the definition of truth throughout the ages. Hours before His death, Pilate posed this question to Jesus. But Pilate’s query was rhetorical, meant to dismiss the subject. He was only interested in the truth of Rome, Caesar, and political power
What’s the Big Deal About Telling Lies? Read More