From Generation to Generation

from generation to generation
photo credit Pamela Kuhn

Memories of Generations

One of my earliest memories is a sleep-over at my grandparents. I remember standing at Grandma’s knee while she crocheted a yellow hat for my dolly. I can still taste the frozen tart applesauce made from the apples in her yard. But my favorite memory is the nighttime devotions. A plastic loaf of bread held tiny cards printed with Scripture promises. I chose one card, then sat as close to Grandma as I could. With her arm around me, she whispered word by word, so I could “read” the verse.

It was the beginning of a legacy – the love of God and His Word. Before I was a week old, my parents took me to church, and faithfully continued to make sure I was taught the Word by Sunday School teachers and pastors. On an everyday basis, we looked to Scripture for guidance in our home.

Passing the Faith Along

My favorite parenting verses are found in Deuteronomy 6:

“You must teach them to your children and talk about them when you are at home or out for a walk; at bedtime and the first thing in the morning. Tie them on your finger, wear them on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house!” (TLB)

 Generation to Generation

One of my daughters’ favorite Christmas gift each year was a devotional Bible. Beginning during preschool years, we used magazine pictures to illustrate a Scripture. One of my treasures is the illustrated Psalm 1 she copied and memorized. Now that my adult daughters have their own daughters, I use my love of Scripture to connect with the next generation.  I enjoyed teaching my granddaughter verse mapping, and now we are filling a journal with precious promises.

When the grandchildren got old enough to begin family household responsibilities, Melanie made chore cards on a ring. Certain chores had to be accomplished before they could come out of their bedrooms – a bed to remind them to make their bed, a comb to remind them to comb their hair, etc. One of their cards was a Bible. When they were too young to read, they had their devotions using a Bible story picture book, and then their devotional Bible after they learned to read.

Hidden in my Heart

Today, the words of Scripture continue to sing through my heart. The verses and chapters I memorized are still hidden in my heart. As an editor for children’s Sunday School literature, I’m constantly moved by the stories between the covers of my Bible.

generation to generation
photo credit: Pamela Kuhn

The focal point of my living room has four Bibles displayed in shadow boxes — My grandfather’s, my husband’s father and mother’s, and my mother’s. The wall words above the Bibles read, “From generation to generation You are the same.”

This is my legacy, and the legacy I tried to pass on to my children. Today, five generations later, my grandchildren are learning, living, and loving the Scriptures that were breathed into the hearts of the men who penned the words. The Holy Spirit is faithful through the Living Word.

                [ctt template=”1″ link=”PaOxh” via=”yes” nofollow=”yes”]LEAVE A LEGACY FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS[/ctt]

– a legacy of a love for Scripture. Read it, obey it, and live it.

“Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever” (Psalm 112:1-2).

Pamela Kuhn

We are taking the Write 31 Day Challenge and using the prompts from Five Minute Friday. Today’s prompt was Audience. My thoughts went to Hebrews 11 & 12 and the ‘great crowd of witnesses we have which includes our own families. I asked Pam to share about her display over the piano because, literally, I just love it and want to do something like that myself. If you love this post, please go visit Pam on her website, I’m pretty sure you will love her blog as well.

P.S. Pamela custom ordered her wall cling from Inspirational Wall Signs on Etsy

P.P.S. To learn more about Bible Journaling, click here.

About Pamela Kuhn

Pamela is an award-winning freelance writer and blogger and has published more than forty teacher-resource books. She serves as the assistant editor for children’s materials at Herald and Banner Press. Candles set the atmosphere in her home and remind her to be a light in this dark world. Her deepest desire is that others see Jesus in her life.

View all posts by Pamela Kuhn

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