Originally posted on GGMandy dot com in her series “Treasure Trove for Ministry“
There’s nothing better than going to the mailbox, pulling out the mail, and finding an honest to goodness note from someone among the bills.
It’s becoming an oddity in this day of social media. But tell the truth, isn’t it a blessing to receive a handwritten note in the mail? To me, it just seems much more special than a shout out on Facebook. Somehow, that is just too easy. But stopping and writing a note takes thought and says you really care.
My top spiritual gift is encouragement.
I have loved to write notes to people most of my life. Just a couple sentences to say, “Hey, I thought of you today.” You have no idea how often it has been a blessing to someone. A kind word just at the right time.
From as early as they could hold a pencil, I have required that my children write some type of a Thank you note when they receive a gift. People really still do appreciate getting a thank you. Somehow, the world has told us that writing a note and putting it in the mail is no longer necessary. [I beg to differ.]
the world has told us that writing a note and putting it in the mail is no longer necessary. [I beg to differ.] #thankyou Share on X“thank you’s”
“glad to see you”
“how ya doing?”
“Happy Birthday”
Get Those Notes in the Mail
- At the beginning of each month, take a calendar and randomly write the name of different people each day. Then during your quiet time each morning, pray for that person and write a quick note to them. I did this all through college. I didn’t even have to pay for postage then because I could mail them through the college post office for free!
- If you have lots of thank you’s to write, set a deadline. Count the number of gifts you need to send thank you’s for, divide by the number of days till your deadline, then write that many thank you’s each evening as you watch the news or your favorite program. You can get them done during the commercials! I did this after my wedding with 200+ gifts and I had them all done within 2 months.
- If you are crafty, start making your own cards. You’ll be so proud to mail them to friends. Every so often, a friend and I get together and make the most beautiful cards. It’s a lot of fun and great fellowship. Some years, I save the Christmas cards that I receive in the mail. Then after the first of the year, I create a new card from their Christmas card. I read the card and say a prayer for the family and mail the newly made card with a note inside.
- Shut-ins are especially glad to receive notes in the mail. A few years back, I realized that one day, I would be that forgotten widow of a pastor. So I started writing notes to all the widows of pastors in our district. I thought, maybe, the thought will be returned one day. Guess what …. they started writing me back! How awesome. A gift that gives back!
I’ve been writing this month expressly to ministers and those in leadership. Let me emphasize to you… an occasional note to your people will bring forth dividends. Send birthday cards, handwrite a note to your visitors or students. It really doesn’t take much of your time. But it DOES show that your care. Give it a try.
Pastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
I’ll admit, I don’t send cards these days. In the past, I loved sending cards, even just a card to say “hi, I was thinking about you!” Then it seems like everything became so much about technology – email, texts, social media. I recently supported a friend long distance during and after her husband’s 3 months of cancer that took his life. Some days we would talk on the phone or FaceTime more than once and all I did was be there for her, listen to her, cry with her. I received a pretty card from her in the mail a few days ago. Inside it she had written a very long note to me of how grateful she was to have my support. It made me smile. And it was unexpected because we talk on the phone almost daily! Your post makes me wonder if maybe I ought to start sending cards again. Thanks so much for linking up with me at A Themed Linkup 51 for Handmade Cards. Pinned!
Thanks! Dee,
Mailing a card is so rare these days. I think the gesture is still so much more appreciated. It takes a little more thought than a note on Facebook and a “like” click. I’ve been doing it since college and people are always appreciated it. My cousin also makes cards and sends me one every other month or so. I know how much I love her cards. We talked not long ago and I said I had them sitting all around my desk. She said I should throw them away. I said no way… they are too beautiful
These are great ideas! I do make my own cards and often wish I was in the habit of mailing them out more often.
CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at A Themed Linkup 52 for Home Décor Printables from my previous linkup for Handmade Cards!
awesome. thank you