Now What?
Sometimes, when we suddenly have a different lifestyle or unexpected free time when can forget about all the things we have been meaning to do but never seem to have the time. Then we ended up binging on worthless TV shows and have nothing to show for our precious gift of time. Therefore, I thought I might offer you a list of things to do while you are social distancing.
Things I’ve Been Meaning to Do
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- Call or write to a friend or loved one. (Won’t they be surprised?)
- Finish your taxes. We used to use a tax accountant but once we retired, it really wasn’t necessary. Actually, it came to our realization that our accountant wasn’t really helping us. We tried out several different online programs and settled in on Tax Slayer.
- Prepare your will. – I need to do this one myself. Dave Ramsey can help you get started.
- Spring Cleaning – Oh! the dreaded Spring cleaning. I grew up on a farm. When Spring Break came around, we didn’t go on vacation. NO! We did deep cleaning not only in the house but also in the barn. Needless to say, we never really looked forward to Spring Break. When it comes to my own home, I pretty much ignored these “special” events” and tried to keep my home basically clean all the time. Then I found the Fly Lady. She’ll help you keep the house in just 15 minutes a day, Take a month and do these baby steps to get started.
- Start a Workout Program – I recently found a wonderful program that will ease you into exercise with a little devotional thought along the way. Faithful Fitness – They also offer those program Fitness at Home.
- Get back into the Word of God – I read Donna Reidland’s thoughts on getting into God’s Presence during this quarantine. Check it out here. If you need a resource to guide you through your quiet time, Click here for the Coffee & Jesus journal.
- Learn Creative Bible Journaling – Have you seen these journal Bibles with all the space for doodling or journaling. My friend, Sara at The Holy Mess offers some help to get started on your own.
- Family Photos. Speaking of creativity. how about getting busy organizing your family photos. At least make sure that your photos are labeled in some way. When my grandmother passed away, I remember going through tons of photos and not knowing who the people were. Be sure to use full names. I recall a photo marked “Sally and me”. We didn’t know who Sally was, nor did we know who “me” was. LOL! If you aren’t into photo albums, at least load them up to your online drive, place them in folders with titles, and please, please name your photos. Note- Right-click on the photo and find a place to record names and places.
More Things to do
- Grilling and/or Smoking. Michele has a review of her favorite smoker and also some recipes.
- Learn a new craft or just do the ones you already enjoy but never have time for.
- Play games with your children. Dig out those board games you never play and have some fun. Learn to play your kids’ video games. Sit down together and read a book. (novel idea… pun intended)
- Watch Movies together. I suggest watching some true story type movies. Go to the Biography Channel on your TV or online at RightNow Media is offering free access during the COVID-19 quarantine to over 2,000 popular kid shows in the RightNow Media Kids Library. Enjoy shows that are safe for kids of all ages at home and on-the-go. Right Media also offers tons of video Bible Studies from various great speakers. I have recently reviewed several true story movies. Check out my movie review category.
- Plant your garden or flower bed. – When I was growing up my mom gave me one flower bed that was mine to care for. I chose the flowers and the whole deal was mine. It’s a great way to teach about gardening and responsibility. If you live in an apartment, try window gardening.
- Take an online course or webinar – Here’s one for blended Families – Family Life Blended and Blessed – Revive & Thrive is a virtual women’s conference coming up in May.
- Prepare for Hurricane Season – Get some help at Wonder Mom Wanna Be or Smart Money Mamas
- Start a blog or Tweak to your blog – Kingdom Bloggers has a ton of great information to help you out
Well, there’s a start. Surely you haven’t completed all of these. 🙂 I’m curious, what are you doing during this social distancing time? What can we add to this list? Leave us a comment below.
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Pastor’s Wife (retired) & Chronic Pain Warrior blogs about how to make it through anything by relating her own life experiences to her writing. She is passionate about her love for the Lord and desires to spread that passion to others. She has a great desire to encourage women who are following behind her.
Thank you for these wonderful suggestions! My husband and I have been working outside mulching the flowerbeds on the nice days and working inside cleaning out the basement on days when the weather keeps us from mulching.
I will check out Michele’s smoker recipes. And maybe suggest to my hubby that a smoked chicken would be a great idea for dinner tonight. I am getting tired of eating food I have cooked myself! 🙂
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks for the great suggestions!
LOL! Smoked chicken sounds great! I was going to say let me know when it’s ready and I’ll join you, but I guess social distancing will keep us from that!
Thanks for dropping by!
Thank you for these helpful ideas! Spring cleaning is a must and there’s no better time than now =) Also, love your ideas to start a garden or a new craft =) I just started a little herb garden and am excited to see the results!
I have thought many times about trying my hand at an herb garden. But I have a black thumb so unless my husband gets interested I don’t think it will happen. LOL! Thanks for coming by!
I need to do a will. I will mention it again!!
Wow! This is an excellent list, Mandy!!! Some great ideas here. I hope we don’t look back and realize we wasted this time. Thanks for hosting the link-up!
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
It’s one of those things that we let slide. But think about your children and family. A will saves them a lot of trouble.
Right. I wanted to try to remind people to do those things that really need getting done but there never seems to be time. Such as, getting your will done.
Definitely some things I need to work on here! Spent some time on my taxes this week and hope to finishe them up over the weekend.
One thing I hate doing taxes; however, I must admit that they got a lot easier after retirement. Yeah! less money to account for.